Local History Gallery: Tech 2020

2020 Vision: Seeing the World Through Technology
In the year 2020, a diverse group of Vermont exhibiting institutions will collaborate on a state-wide suite of exhibitions on the theme 2020 Vision: Seeing the World Through Technology. Led by the Vermont Curators Group—a network of museums, galleries, and cultural centers specializing in art, history, science, craft, and design—this initiative will push the boundaries of what it means to have conversations about technology, innovation,and culture in Vermont. Contact Project Manager Gillian Sewake at vermontcuratorsgroup@gmail.com with questions and to learn more.
How can you participate?
The Vermont Historical Society, as a participating institution, will be mounting a partially crowdsourced exhibit on Vermont innovation and technology in our Local History Gallery. The exhibition will be on view August 2020 through January 2021. Local historical societies and other heritage organizations are invited to participate in this exhibit, bringing their own objects to enrich the stories we can tell.
Click Here for information on becoming an exhibitor. Applications due February 28, 2020.
Click Here for the application form, or download a pdf copy
Learn More!
Project Overview Webinar
View a recording of the webinar (originally presented 8/21/19) to learn more about how your local historical society or museum can participate in this initiative. We discuss the guidelines for building your own exhibit, as well as how you could instead participate in VHS's crowdsourced exhibit.
Previous Webinars
January 22, 2020: How to Choose an Object to Go On Exhibit
10:00 to 11:00 am
There are many factors that go into the decision to put an object on exhibition, including provenance, backstory, exhibit theme, overall condition, and exhibit logistics. This one-hour webinar from the Vermont Historical Society will walk through the basic decision chain that leads to exhibiting an object from your collection and will include ample time for questions and participation from attendees. Free & open to everyone. Access the Webinar recording here. For webinar handout click here.
February 19, 2020: How to Make a Condition Assessment
10:00 to 11:00 am
Perhaps the single most important factor in whether or not an object can go on exhibition is its condition. Attendees will learn how to evaluate an object’s condition, with an eye to sharing it on exhibit. Learn how to identify problem areas, mitigate areas of concern through proper mounting techniques, and what steps to take during and after an object’s time on display in this one-hour webinar. Access the Webinar recording here. Access the Handout here.
March 18, 2020: How to Write an Exhibit Label
10:00 to 11:00 am
Writing for exhibitions is an art form unlike any other kind of writing, and in this one-hour webinar attendees will learn the basic principles of organizing and then sharing information in an exhibition setting. They’ll be exposed to the best and worst of label-writing, have opportunities to see editing in practice, brainstorm more creative ways to write about objects, and do some basic exercises to test their own skills. Access the Webinar recording here.
All webinars are free and open to everyone.
Please reach out to Eileen Corcoran (director.outreach@vermonthistory.org) or Amanda Kay Gustin (director.collections@vermonthistory.org) with any questions.